WEBINAR: International Tax Planning & Structure Execution

I would like to extend an invitation to the upcoming webinar, which is scheduled for Wednesday, 22nd May 2024, from 08h30 to 10h00. My partners, TRM Tax Attorneys and Korten Consulting, will host the webinar.

There is no cost involved.

Mark Korten, a consultant for TRM, will present on International Tax Planning and structure Execution. Mark is the founder of Korten Consulting Ltd, a boutique legal and tax advisory firm based in Mauritius.

Mark’s specialisations include offshore structuring, international tax law, estate planning, South African exchange controls, commercial law, and emigration and immigration.

Webinar topic: International Tax Planning & Structure Execution.

Agenda Highlights:

  • Our approach
  • Termination of SA Tax Residency
  • International Estate Planning
  • Foreign Trading Structures
  • Loop Structures

Kindly complete the registration form with your details to secure your spot.


Looking forward to an insightful webinar.

You are welcome to reach out to me should you have questions.

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